Smoothie Recipe With Oatmeal

Easy difficulty
Doses for 1 person
Preparation 10 minutes
Average cost


15 g of oat flakes
250 ml of water
100 g in polpa in banana
5 g in orzo soluble
20 g of concentrated soy protein

Materials needed

Cup blender
Glasses or bottles
Scales weigh food


Prepare the oat milk: soften the oat flakes in the water for at least half an hour. Blend the flakes with the water, then filter through a cloth to separate the spent pulp from the liquid part.
Did you know that ??
The milk oatmeal is a low-calorie drink because the amount of fat is much lower than in animal milk. It is also rich in vitamin E and folic acid.
Oats are rich in fiber and, above all, are distinguished from other cereals by their richness in terms of proteins and linoleic acid ( essential fatty acid ).
To fully appreciate the nutrients of oats, it is recommended to also consume okara (exhausted pulp, from which it is no longer possible to extract milk): the okara can be eaten for breakfast (for example in yogurt) or it can be used to prepare raw biscuits and oat bread.

Collect the oat milk again in the blender glass, then add the banana (peeled and cut into slices), the soy protein, and two teaspoons of soluble barley. Blend everything until a smooth and velvety mixture is obtained. For a more diluted drink, we recommend adding a little water.
Consume the protein shake immediately or in any case within half an hour of preparation.

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