Banana Smoothie Recipes Simple without Milk

·         Ingredients

1 banana
1 glass of milk
2 tablespoons of sugar

·         Preparation

The preparation of the banana smoothie is very simple: in a few minutes, you will get your delicious and creamy drink.
First, you will have to peel the banana and cut it into small pieces or slices, as you prefer. Then put the pieces of banana into the blender and pour the milk over it. Also, add the sugar and operate the blender: blend everything for a few minutes until you see that the milk, sugar, and fruit are well mixed in a creamy and velvety consistency. We recommend starting at low speed: in this way, the ingredients will first be roughly shredded. Once you get this result, you can increase the speed (reaching the maximum), until you get a creamy mixture at the right point.
At this point, you just have to pour your smoothie into a tall glass and serve it with a straw.

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