
According to UN data (2008), Cancer accounts for 13% of the world's total deaths. The main cause of the disease is free radicals. Free radicals will change the normal cells in our body into cancerous cells. Every day our bodies get 10 free radical attacks.
The emergence of free radicals is caused by many factors. Among other pollution, excessive junk food consumption, and chemical additives in food.
For our body to be spared from the deadly cancer attack, we can routinely consume vegetable combinations consisting of carrots and cabbage. Carrots rich in beta carotene and vegetable sources contain essential nutrients that are effective against cancer. Among others are betacarotene, blown, phenol, Glusosinolat, coumarin, Indol, Isothyosianate, and Sulforatan. Sulfur content in cabbage effectively neutralizes the toxins caused by heavy metals.


·         Materials

250-gram Carrots
3 Sheets Cabbage



·         How to make

1.    Wash clean all ingredients, cut into pieces into parts
2.    Input into the juicer, process
3.    Combination juice of carrot and cabbage ready to enjoy

·         Rules of drinking

Twice a day each cup each.
In addition to carrot and cabbage juice, we can also rely on soursop juice efficacy. Soursop juice contains phytochemistry of annonaceous acetogenin which is an anticancer compound. of various studies, SOURSOP juice is highly recommended to kill cancer cells.

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