
Anemia is a condition when the amount of hemoglobin is below normal. Hemoglobin serves as a means of oxygen transportation throughout the body. As a result, the body gets tired quickly, lethargic, experiences shortness of breath, no appetite, reduces concentration, electronystagmography, and heart-pounding. Symptoms can be fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, limdude, or rapid heartbeat.
Anemia can occur when our body is lacking in iron intake. This iron is a constituent component of hemoglobin. The iron needs our bodies in a day from 1 to 3.3 mg. Therefore, we must pay attention to the consumption of food that is capable of fulfilling the adequacy of iron.
Treatment depends on the main diagnosis. Iron supplements can be used for iron deficiency. Vitamin B supplements can be used for low vitamin levels. Blood transfusions can be used to lose blood. The drug to encourage blood formation can be used if the body's blood production decreases.
Food sources that contain a lot of iron are green vegetables. One of them is spinach. In the form of anemia, spinach intake in juice can accelerate the process of absorption of iron that requires a body.
The spinach juice has a fairly high rate of iron. In 1 cup of spinach juice, there is 1.7 mg of iron. Spinach also contains other important nutrients such as pro-vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, Betakaroten, and some minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, and potassium.

Prevention of Anemia
Some types of anemia, such as anemia during pregnancy and anemia due to iron deficiency, can be prevented by a diet rich in nutrients, especially:

Foods rich in iron and folic acids, such as meats, cereals, nuts, dark green leafy vegetables, bread, and fruits
Foods are rich in vitamin B12, such as milk and its derivatives, as well as foods made from soybeans, such as Tempe and Tofu.
Fruits rich in vitamin C, e.g. oranges, melons, tomatoes, and strawberries.
To find out if your nutritional intake is sufficient, consult a nutritionist. If you have a family of anemia due to genetic disorders, such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia, consult a doctor before planning a pregnancy, so that this condition does not occur in the child.




§  Materials
A bunch of green spinach
1 tablespoon honey

§  How to make
1.  Clean wash spinach leaves
2.  Put in Juicer
3.  Add Flat honey Stir
4.  Spinach Juice ready in serve
5.  Rules of drinking
6.  Drink twice a day each of them one glass

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