Juice recipes for high blood

High Blood is one of the diseases often referred to as "silent killers" because the disease does not cause long-term symptoms. This disease may also lead to life-threatening complications like heart disease. Many easy ways can be done to prevent and lower high blood pressure. Such as consuming healthy food and reducing salt intake. Here are some types of juices that can be consumed regularly to lower blood pressure.

God leaf juice

·         Materials:

7-9 leaf deity
1 lime juice
200 cc water
1 tbsp honey

·         How to make:
1.  Wash the leaves of the gods with warm water, blender with water 200 cc approximately 1 minute, add a juice of lime and honey.
2.    Pour into glass. Serve.

Life Juice

·         Materials:
5-7 leaf dial life
200 gr melon fruit
1 tbsp honey
200 cc Water



·         How to make:
1.  Cut into slices of peeled melon, mix a life that has been cut into pieces. Blend with water for 1 minute.
2.   Pour into the glass add honey.
3.  In addition to the god leaf juice and the life juice, there is also the Belimbing Sirsak juice and celery juice, the content of pectin in star fruit that has the role of lowering blood pressure. And the content of the hexane extract that exists on celery leaves plays a lot in lowering blood pressure. Besides, celery also contains methanol and ethanol extracts. These substances can improve circulation, reduce inflammation and aid blood pressure.

Star fruit soursop Juice

·         Materials:
200 gr star fruit, cut into pieces (seeded)
75 gr of peeled soursop fruit, exhaust seeds
3 tbsp boiled water
Ice cubes to taste

·         How to make:
1.    Put a piece of starfruit, soursop, ripe water, ice cubes into a bowl of blender
2.    Process until smooth and evenly
3.    Pour into glass. Then serve

Celery Juice

·         Materials:
100 grams of small celery
100 grams of watercress
100 cc cold water

·         How to make:
1.    Wash both to clean.
2.    All ingredients insert into a blender.
3.    After smooth, strain the water.
4.    Serve in a food cup.
5.    The water is drunk for 2 times daily, morning and evening.

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