1.   When squeezing the juice yourself, note that dark green vegetables (such as broccoli, spinach, and watercress) or red (beetroot, red cabbage) must be diluted with water or mixed with other vegetable juices. The vegetables cause harsh reactions to the liver organs if they are too thick or thick.
2.   Fruit juice that is too sweet should also be diluted with white water with a ratio of 1:1 or mixed with other fruit/vegetable juices that are not sweet. This is especially true for diabetics, hypoglycemia, arthritis, and high blood pressure. The high levels of sugar in fruit juices can affect blood sugar levels.
3.   In addition to using water, juices can be diluted by adding ice cubes. The result is juiced with a cool fresh sensation. Wow!


To make the herb more delicious juice:
1.      Add other ingredients such as honey, maple syrup, molasses, yogurt, ice cubes, soy milk, fresh goat milk, ginger, walnuts, almonds.
2.      Mix with dried fruits such as dates, sultans, raisins, prune, or apricot, to sparkling mineral water.
3.      It can also be added spice leaves such as mint, basil, basil leaves, rosemary, etc.
4.      Avoid using sugar or syrup, because it will get rid of beneficial nutrients, and to reduce the role of vitamin C in fruits rich in nutrients.


·    GRAPE

It is rich in potassium, vitamin C, and polyphenols. This fruit can cope with anemia and fatigue. Red grape protects the heart and prevents cancer.

·    APPLE

Rich in fiber, pectin, and vitamin C. This fruit can lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, and overcome constipation. Apple juice is both antiviral and antibacterial, helping prevent cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma.


It contains beta carotene, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. This fruit protects skin and eyes, and efficacious anticancer. Dried Apricot is a good source of energy and fiber.
It contains vitamin C, B1, and potassium. This fruit is antibacterial, good for eye health and to overcome diarrhea.

·    GUAVA

Rich in vitamin C, beta carotene, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin B. This fruit increases the immune system, helps overcome the flu and cough cold.


Sources of vitamin C, potassium, bioflavonoids, calcium, and folic acid. This fruit helps fight infections and cancer, with asthma, bronchitis, blood vessel blockage, and gum disease.

·    KIWI

Sources of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin E, and fiber. This earth can cope with constipation.

·    DATES

Sources of iron, potassium, fiber, and vitamin B, including folic acid. This fruit can cope with anemia and fatigue.

·    LEMON

Rich in vitamin C. This fruit helps overcome cold cough, fever, flu, abdominal pain, and canker sores. It also helps to nourish the digestive system and is antibacterial.

·    MANGO

Sources of vitamins A, B, C, and E, potassium, and iron. This fruit increases endurance, aids digestion, and is an anticancer.

·    HONEY

A strong antibiotic. Ease of sleep, but not recommended for infants under 1-year-old.

·    MELON

It contains potassium, iron, vitamin C, and folic acid. Its nature is cooling and helps overcome constipation.


Rich in potassium, vitamin B6, and folic acid. This fruit helps to overcome constipation as well as diarrhea, reduce cholesterol, prevent cramps and help prevent depression and skin problems and asthma.


It contains vitamin C and fiber. This fruit can overcome indigestion because it is rich in bromelain enzymes and overcoming thrush and diphtheria because it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as accelerated healing of injuries.


Rich in vitamin C, E, beta Karoten, and fiber. This fruit can overcome skin problems, boost immunity, and good for digestion.

·    PEACH

Rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron. This fruit nourishes the skin.


Rich in vitamin C, pectin, and iron. This fruit helps to remove cholesterol and toxins, prevents heart and blood vessels, and is antivirus.

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