Vitamin B is the main component for maintaining the sharpness of memory. The body converts B vitamins into mental energy and repairs damaged tissues in the brain. For that, combine vitamin B with vitamin C, so that the brain and vascular tissues work optimally. Increase consumption of various cereals, beans such as green beans, almonds. Sunflower, broccoli, potato, lettuce, paprika, apple red/green apple, tomato, red cabbage, kailan, sage, black grape, sparkling mineral water, lemon, yam, mint, peach, apricot, strawberry, yogurt, flaxseed, fennel, celery, pear, prune, watercress, soy milk, banana, carrot, basil, silk tofu, cocoa powder, nutmeg, maple.

·         Be Sure Smart

Apple juice, strawberries, and Grape
250 g apples, split, seeded
5 Pieces of Strawberry
10 grapes, split, seeded
How to make:
1.    Cut the pieces of apple. The process by using a juicer grabs the suggestion.
2.    Stir in the apple, strawberry, and grape cider in a blender.
3.    Process until soft and well blended. Serve immediately.

·         Memory N ' Me

Banana Juice
1 banana fruit, peel, freeze, cut into pieces
200 ml of soy milk
1 tbsp cocoa powder
How to make:
1.    Cut the banana cut.
2.    Put all the ingredients into a blender.
3.    Process until soft and well blended. Serve immediately.

·         Bright Brain

Paprika juice, celery, and tomato
50 g paprika, split, exhaust
50 g celery
150 g tomatoes
How to make:
1.    The process as well as materials using a juicer.
2.    Stir until well blended. Serve immediately.

·         The Thinker Girl

Pear juice and strawberry juice
250 g Pear
5 Pieces of Strawberry
50 g silk Tofu
5 pieces of mint leaves
How to make:
1.    Pear process using a juicer. Take the advice.
2.    Stir in pear juice, strawberries, silk tofu, and mint leaves into a blender.
3.    Process until soft and well blended. Serve immediately.

·         Best Of Mind

Carrot juice, watercress, and cucumber
100 g carrot
100 g watercress
100 g cucumber,
1 tbsp lemon juice
How to make:
1.    Process carrots, watercress, and cucumber using a juicer.
2.    Add lemon juice. Stir until well blended. Serve immediately.

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