One type of vegetable that efficacious to preserve the growth and beauty of hair is lettuce because it contains silicon, sulfur, and phosphorus. According to Dr. Norman Walker, the American therapeutic Juice pioneer in his book Fresh and Vegetable Fruit Juice, a mixture of lettuce juice with carrot and spinach juice can help stimulate hair growth. While the lettuce juice mixed with carrot juice, green peppers, and alfalfa, in addition to stimulating hair growth also helps maintain its natural color.
Other fruits and vegetables that also efficacious for the hair are cucumber, red and green peppers, tomatoes, apples, kailan, cabbage, watercress, celery, endive, guava, kiwi, orange, sunflower seed, avocado, and olive oil.

·         Beautiful Hair

250 g carrot
100 g green Peppers
50 g lettuce
50 g Alfalfa
How to make:
1.    Cut carrots, green peppers, and lettuce.
2.    Process all ingredients by using a juicer, grab the Sarinya.
3.    Stir until well blended. Serve.

·         Hair Tonic

250 g carrot
100 g cucumber
50 g lettuce
50 g spinach
How to make:
1.    Cut a piece of vegetables and put in the juicer, the process and paste the Sarinya.
2.    Stir and serve.

·         Hair Food

150 g green Peppers
100 g cucumber
100 g spinach
50 g Alfalfa
How to make:
1.Cut pieces of green peppers, cucumbers, and spinach.
2.Process all ingredients by using a juicer, grab the Sarinya.
3.Stir until well blended. Serve.

·         Shiny Hair

200 g tomatoes
150 g apples
100 g cucumber
How to make:
1.    Cut into pieces of tomatoes, apples, and cucumbers.
2.    Process all ingredients by using a juicer, grab the Sarinya.
3.    Stir until well blended. Serve.

·         No Hair Loss

250 g carrot
50 g Alfalfa
100 g lettuce
How to make:
1.    Cut into slices of carrot and lettuce.
2.    Process all ingredients by using a juicer, grab the Sarinya.
3.    Stir until well blended. Serve.

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